User experience in virtual care - Brought by the Virtual Care Community
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM · 2 hr. (US/Pacific)
Venetian | Level 4 | Delfino 4103
This interactive session is focusing on user experience in virtual care - from strategies, healthcare providers to caregivers and patients. Presentations and discussions will demonstrate how important user experience is to scale virtual care services, how is technology enabling virtual care solution design and are policies influencing scaling of services. The white paper Enhancing Patient Experience in Virtual Care: Leveraging Technology for Superior Care, developed by the HIMSS Virtual care committee, is going to be presented. We will engage the audience in an interactive session on UX in virtual care. This session will be rapid, dynamic, and will drill down in several aspects of UX.

Benedict Tan
Singapore Health Services
Peter Kim
System Director Virtual CareTexas Health ResourcesJH
Juli Hysenbelli
Global Lead Connected CareAWS, Healthcare & Lifescience
Ronald Pope
CEOPope Consulting Services
Sara Webster
Senior Consultant, Virtual HealthAlberta Health Services
Donna Henderson
Head of International EngagementDirectorate for Health and Social Care Finance, Digital and Governance, Scottish GovernmentPS
Päivi Sillanaukee
Special Envoy for Health and WellbeingMinistry of Social Affairs and Health Finland, Government of Finland
Mario Ravic
Chair Virtual Care Community Committee, EMEAHIMSS
Marco Foracchia
Chief Information OfficerAzienda USL di Reggio Emilia, IRCCS
John Rayner
Senior DirectorHIMSS