Interoperability, AI, and Digital Health: Nordic-US Learnings and Perspectives on What’s Next - Brought to you by the Nordic Community
AI, interoperability, and data sharing have the potential to transform healthcare, but what does real-world implementation actually look like?
In this session, Nordic healthcare leaders and US experts share practical experiences—both successes and challenges—of data sharing, integrating AI and digital solutions into clinical practice. Healthcare leaders from the US, amongst them organizations like The Sequoia Project and Northwestern Memorial Healthcare, will discuss what works, what hasn’t, and why.
Expect candid insights into what is practical and necessary to make data sharing happen, how AI is being tested and validated in diagnostics and treatment, the hurdles in achieving true interoperability, and the importance of standardization for scalable and sustainable digital health solutions. Rather than a polished showcase, this session offers a pragmatic, down-to-earth discussion on real-world progress, key takeaways, and lessons learned.
Join us to exchange knowledge, challenge assumptions, and explore what the Nordic and the US HealthCare can learn from each other’s journeys toward more effective digital healthcare.
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