Real-time Data, Real-world Impact: Centralizing ERP Data in Healthcare

Real-time Data, Real-world Impact: Centralizing ERP Data in Healthcare

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 11:40 AM to 12:00 PM · 20 min. (US/Pacific)
AI Pavilion Theater
AI Pavilion
Data and Information


HIMSS finds that only 57% of healthcare data is currently utilized for decision-making due to a lack of access to high-quality data. While healthcare organizations have vast amounts of critical data in sources such as EHR or ERP systems, they often struggle to access and centralize this data due to the complexity involved. Overcoming data silos with real-time data replication can reveal opportunities such as identifying health trends, improving diagnostics and enhancing patient experiences.

Join us for our talk to discover:

  • Key obstacles hindering organizations from obtaining insights from their data

  • Best practices for leveraging healthcare data and how a strong data integration platform can simplify and accelerate healthcare analytics

  • Real-world examples of how centralizing healthcare data improves patient experiences

Sub-Topic Category
Data Science
Target Audience
Chief Data OfficerCIO/CTO/CTIO/Senior ITData Scientist
20-Minute Show Floor Session