Healthcare Unit42 Threat Briefing and Evolving AI Healthcare Risks

Healthcare Unit42 Threat Briefing and Evolving AI Healthcare Risks

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM · 1 hr. 15 min. (US/Pacific)
Caesars | Academy 412
Lunch and Learn


Healthcare organizations across the globe are challenged to enable next generation technologies developing cures and new standards of care while becoming more efficient in supporting the organization's patient care mission. Adversaries are tracking this digital transformation and expanded threat vectors looking for opportunities to impact clinical operations, exfiltrate valuable patient records, and execute ransomware campaigns for their financial benefit. This session will explore the best practices and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what Palo Alto Networks Unit42 team is reporting from a healthcare threat perspective.

Learning Objectives:

Understand in-depth the risks of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to leverage its capabilities for security operations and defense
Best practices for gaining visibility of connected medical devices and enforcing protections
Healthcare Unit42 Threat Briefing

This is an invitation only event.

Disclaimer: Participation in this session is subject to space availability and verification of credentials.

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