Evaluating Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring in Medicare

Evaluating Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring in Medicare

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM · 1 hr. (US/Pacific)
Caesars | Forum 119


The use of telehealth and remote patient monitoring in Medicare has increased dramatically in recent years.  While the expansion of telehealth has been critical to maintaining beneficiaries' access to care, it is important that new policies and technologies with potential to improve care and enhance access achieve these goals and are not compromised by fraud, abuse, or misuse.  This presentation will provide key OIG evaluation and audit insights about the use of these services in Medicare, including access concerns and vulnerabilities in the ability to oversee these services. Additionally, this presentation will include an overview of OIG’s toolkit for analyzing telehealth claims to assess program integrity risks such as potential fraud, waste, and abuse schemes. Join OIG to learn more about the long-term potential and risks of telehealth and remote patient monitoring!   

Sub-Topic Category
Virtual Care: Telehealth, Remote Monitoring
Target Audience
Government or Public Policy ProfessionalPayerResearch and Development Professional
CEU Type
60-Minute Panel Discussion
Learning Objective #1
Discuss OIG’s findings regarding how telehealth and remote patient monitoring are utilized in Medicare and can help ensure access to care.
Learning Objective #2
Review OIG’s findings regarding how strong, targeted oversight of these services is needed to protect Medicare against fraud, waste, and abuse.
Learning Objective #3
Describe OIG’s tools for assessing risk in their own telehealth claims data.
Session #