Digital Dilemmas: When Tech Empowers… or Overwhelms?

Digital Dilemmas: When Tech Empowers… or Overwhelms?

Monday, March 3, 2025 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM · 45 min. (US/Pacific)
Venetian | Level 2 | Titian 2201
Smart Health Transformation Forum


This session is part of the Smart Health Transformation Preconference Forum and additional registration is required.

As digital health transforms care delivery, are we truly empowering patients—or just making healthcare more complex? This provocative session explores the power dynamics, unintended consequences, and ethical dilemmas of digital health. Are we shifting too much responsibility onto patients? Does designing healthcare like retail erode the human connection? When do behavioral nudges cross the line into coercion? And are we inadvertently creating a two-tiered system? Join us for a deep dive into these critical questions and discover how to design digital health solutions that enhance care without adding burden.

Sub-Topic Category
Emerging TechnologiesPatient ExperienceWorkforce of the Future
Target Audience
Chief Digital Officer/Chief Digital Health OfficerChief Quality Officer and Chief Clinical Transformation OfficerCMIO/CMO
Learning Objective #1
Analyze the evolving power dynamics in digital health by examining how consumer-driven models impact patient autonomy, provider roles, and healthcare equity.
Learning Objective #2
Design digital health strategies that balance innovation with accessibility, ensuring that technology enhances care without increasing patient burden or creating unintended disparities.
Learning Objective #3
Evaluate the ethical dilemmas of digital health transformation, assessing whether increased patient responsibility enhances autonomy or contributes to greater complexity and inequity.
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