Pushing Limits, Igniting Excellence: Unlocking the New Mindset of Success

Pushing Limits, Igniting Excellence: Unlocking the New Mindset of Success

Monday, March 3, 2025 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM · 30 min. (US/Pacific)
Caesars | Forum 119
Executive Summit


This Executive Summit session is part of the Executive Pass option and qualification is required.

With changing landscapes, tough competition, and information overload, winning market share is harder than ever. We may have high levels of excellence, but that excellence comes at a surprising cost – it keeps us stagnant and quietly discourages taking the risks we need to grow today. Why? 
The dark side of success is we often focus on what we already excel at instead of leaning into the discomfort of what excelling today requires: more innovation, creative collaboration, and thinking outside of the box. But fear not – we already know the fastest path to major improvement comes from strengthening what’s weak, rather than what’s strong. Today, that means we need to become excellent at being uncomfortable. 
In this keynote, author of Good Awkward: How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become the Bravest You and 2x TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Henna Pryor will share the modern mental skills for skyrocketing your team’s performance, frontloading discomfort, and unlocking the innovation needed to tap into new sources of success. 


This session qualifies for ACHE Qualifying Education.  However, you must attend at least two or more sessions totalling 1.5 hours or more that are approved for FACHE continuing education credit.  This requirement is based on ACHE's guidance that continuing education credit is awarded to an event with a minimum of 1.0 hours.  When submitting to ACHE, please place this comment on your activity submission. 

Sub-Topic Category
Professional Development
Target Audience
CEO/COOCIO/CTO/CTIO/Senior ITVP of other IT/IS Department
CEU Type
Learning Objective #1
Pinpoint the exact reason it’s been difficult to take risks – and how to move past it
Learning Objective #2
Use the tools of neutral thinking and deliberate discomfort to expand mental muscle
Learning Objective #3
Formulate a personalized game plan to be risk-ready whenever the chance arises
Session #