Physicians' Burnout: Is AI the Only Path Forward?

Physicians' Burnout: Is AI the Only Path Forward?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM · 1 hr. (US/Pacific)
Venetian | Level 5 | Palazzo L
General Education


The panel will conduct a lively conversation, between leaders who believe in technology and AI as the main solution for physicians’ burden and burnout, and leaders who are skeptical about AI’s ability to deliver those promises without compromising ethics, security and equity. Would there be a middle ground? We will delve into the pressing issue of physician burnout, offering a comprehensive exploration of how cutting-edge technology, strategic policy-making, and effective burnout-relief strategies can collectively enhance the working lives of healthcare professionals. Whether it’s innovative solutions like Ambient AI or tried-and-true, low-tech, high-impact strategies, we aim to provide practical analysis and conversation that can have a positive impact on your daily practice. An article published in JAMA in March 2023 showed that burnout is estimated to cost the healthcare system at least $4.6 billion annually, with the greatest burden attributable to turnover and work-hour reductions among primary care physicians. As burnout continues to impact healthcare providers at an alarming rate, this panel seeks to provide attendees with actionable insights and innovative solutions to mitigate these challenges and improve overall job satisfaction, workforce retention and patient care.      

Sub-Topic Category
Staffing, Retention, and Employee Wellness
Target Audience
CEO/COOClinical InformaticistCMIO/CMO
CEU Type
Contact Hours
60-Minute Panel Discussion
Learning Objective #1
Identify the practical applications and use cases of AI to improve physicians’ burden and burnout
Learning Objective #2
Identify ethical and equitable challenges associated with AI implementation on patients’ data and informed consent
Learning Objective #3
Examine how physicians’ burnout and burden are addressed — AI versus traditional solutions
Learning Objective #4
Evaluate AI risks on physicians’ and patients’ experiences
Learning Objective #5
Discuss how the healthcare workforce will interact with Artificial Intelligence in the next two or three decades to improve their well-being and reduce their burnout levels
Session #