Defragmenting Your Analytics Model Through a Centralized Governance Approach

Defragmenting Your Analytics Model Through a Centralized Governance Approach

Thursday, March 6, 2025 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM · 30 min. (US/Pacific)
Venetian | Level 5 | Palazzo M
General Education


When done right, data analytics can play a significant role in organizational decision-making, from identifying new service lines to targeting areas for quality improvement. But without the proper foundation and governance strategy, how do you ensure your data is secure, accurate and focused on the right priorities? This presentation will highlight one multi-facility healthcare system's mission to reign in a fragmented analytics strategy to create a more structured and transparent one, focused on the three pillars of data governance, management and analytics. You’ll learn about the structure of their data analytics governance board, their strategy for submitting and prioritizing analytics requests, how they identify consistent calculation methods, and the results they have seen to date - including cutting their technology reporting resources in half.  

Sub-Topic Category
Product, Program, and Portfolio Management
Target Audience
CEO/COOCFO/VP Finance/Compliance OfficerCIO/CTO/CTIO/Senior IT
CEU Type
Contact Hours
30-Minute Best Practice
Learning Objective #1
Apply a three-pronged approach to establishing a standardized analytics governance model
Learning Objective #2
Evaluate best practices for establishing data access controls based on heterogeneous groups
Learning Objective #3
Identify strategies for prioritizing analytics requests and the importance of prioritizing those reports that influence decision-making versus those used to justify decisions
Learning Objective #4
Outline the key members that should make up a data analytics governance team
Learning Objective #5
Assess the appropriate processes for submitting, approving, prioritizing, configuring, and designing report requests, and the role each team has in this process
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