Transforming Healthcare Procurement: Strategies for Efficiency, Resiliency and Digitalization

Transforming Healthcare Procurement: Strategies for Efficiency, Resiliency and Digitalization

Thursday, March 6, 2025 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM · 30 min. (US/Pacific)
Venetian | Level 3 | Murano 3201
General Education
Process Analysis and Redesign


In this session, you will hear about the challenges and opportunities in healthcare procurement, and how change management and process improvement can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, risk management, and digitalization. Insights and experiences will be shared in implementing strategies such as nationalization of contracts, price equalization, agile contracting, and e-procurement, and how these strategies have led to cost savings, improved resource allocation, and better patient care. You will also learn about the latest digital technologies, such as healthcare secured GPT and chatbots, and how they can be leveraged to improve decision-making, reduce the workload of healthcare professionals. An agile framework was adopted to identify and deploy AI use cases within the organization. The organization strive to continue to innovate by incorporating predicative and generative AI to enable human-like analysis and forecast expertise.  

Sub-Topic Category
Change Management and Process Improvement
Target Audience
CEO/COOCIO/CTO/CTIO/Senior ITSupply Chain Management Professionals/Clinicians
CEU Type
Contact Hours
30-Minute Best Practice
Learning Objective #1
Identify the challenges and opportunities in healthcare procurement
Learning Objective #2
Choose an agile approach and growth mindset throughout the organization as a key enabler
Learning Objective #3
List the strategies to improve productivity, supply and cost resiliency
Learning Objective #4
List the benefits of identifying and deploying digital use cases in healthcare
Learning Objective #5
Identify key metrics and indicators to measure success
Session #