Vibe Health by eVideon

Featured Exhibitors


eVideon is the leader in hospital smart room technology and digital workflow solutions. Our Vibe Health platform transforms the care environment using our in-room Smart TV, digital whiteboard, digital door sign, and bedside tablet solutions to communicate with patients and the care team. Integrations with the hospital EMR and other installed systems automate clinical workflow and deliver real-time information to patients, families, and the care team. Vibe Health relieves nurses of non-clinical responsibilities and enables clinicians to spend more time at the bedside. We delivering the digital patient room of the future today to reimagine the healthcare experience for all.
Patient Engagement
  • Population Health Management
    • Patient Experience
    • Nursing Applications
      • Nursing Applications
        • Nursing Documentation
        • Telehealth Solutions
          • Virtual Care
          • Marketing
            • Digital Patient engagement Technology
