Transforming the Contact Center from a Cost Center to Value Driver

Transforming the Contact Center from a Cost Center to Value Driver

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 4:10 PM to 4:40 PM · 30 min. (US/Pacific)
Main Stage
Main Stage
Process Analysis and Redesign


The call center has traditionally been a cost center in health systems. Leaders historically pursued a strategy of staffing, technology, and processes that attempted to maximize efficiency and deflect as many calls and chats away from them as possible. 

 Economic shifts, rising consumer expectations, and advances in AI technology are leading healthcare leaders to rethink that strategy. Contact centers are now critical hubs of the digital front door and ideal proving grounds for automation technology. How can these cost centers shift to value drivers? How can AI and upskilling turn contact center agents into members of the care team, driving outcomes for the business and the patient? Our panel brings together leaders that have been working to answer those questions in their health systems.

Learning points:

  • The roadmap and key strategies that helped health systems transform their contact centers.

  • How contact centers impact the patient journey today, and how it must change.

  • Considerations and requirements for deploying patient-facing AI responsibly.

Sub-Topic Category
Change Management and Process Improvement
Target Audience
Chief Digital Officer/Chief Digital Health OfficerCIO/CTO/CTIO/Senior ITPayer
20-Minute Show Floor Session

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